
Keynote (iOS, macOS)

Keynote is an essential app in my teacher toolbox. I use it for to create workplans, explainer videos and instructions for lessons and of course, for lively presentations. Especially on iOS, the possibilities are endless. Here are a few of my lesson materials.

  1. Students design a calendar in Keynote.

2. A workplan for students in English on the topic of Fake News.

3. E-Mails im Schulalltag – Präsentation in Deutsch

4. Students create a podcast using Keynote and Garageband. Vorlage in Deutsch.

5. 12 Werbeslogans – Ratequiz (Deutsch)

Quizlet (Browser, Apps)

Quizlet is one of the most versatile and useful tools in my toolkit. You can join for free or opt for a paid teacher premium version, which gives you added features. Here are some of my Quizlet lists. All lists can be found here:

Fake News (Deutsch-English)

Die Bezirke von Wien

Deutsche Computer (Deutsch)

100 Vocabulary words (AB)

This versatile and free platform provides much potential for learners. My main page is located here …

Netzjargon-Quiz (Deutsch)

Recognising Mixed Tenses in English

A, an, some (ESL)

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